Monday, June 25, 2007

Free Speech

You can say what you want, but it comes with a great measure of responsibility.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Cubans in the News

Babalu this morning has a post on Cuban doctors in Namibia pleading for help getting them out; three of them already got humanitarian visas and are on their way to the US.

Free healthcare in Canada has sort of hit a rough spot: Cuba. Medical tourism to Cuba is on the rise (doesn't Canada have free healthcare for all? why are people going out of Canada to get their services?). But that's not the newsworthy item. The Canadians going to Cuba to get the treatment their doctors in Canada wouldn't administer have filed their claims with Canada's medicare. Yup you read right, they are going to Cuba and are expecting Canada to foot the bill.

Now why would people with free healthcare go somewhere else for non free healthcare?

The growing phenomenon of medical tourism "is related to waiting lists" here. Lucie Vermette, HSI's president and co-founder, said she launched the company after she waited six months to see a specialist for what turned out to be a life-threatening condition; the specialist "had me on an operating table the next day."

Ahhh, wanting the cake and eating it too. Seems like social healthcare still has some kinks to overcome, if people are turning back to paid healthcare somewhere else.

On more positive news some Cubans have found freedom.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Racism in Cuba

Not everybody is equal in Cuba, racism still exists. Some say even more so than before. The Miami Herald has an article on the subject where a staff journalist without journalist credentials interviewed blacks in Cuba as part of a series of blacks in Latin America.

Pretty good read. If you prefer Spanish, then go here.

This always makes me think. I remember my parents and grandparents discussing race in Cuba pre 1959, but I don't remember them ever discussing segregation in Cuba, or Cuban blacks not being able to vote. Both my parents had black classmates and friends. Sure, families may not have approved of their company, and race was a strong factor in marriage, but I don't remember ever hearing from them the stories I've heard from blacks here in the states.

If anyone around can shed more light on the subject I'd appreciate the comments.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

My Esoteric Nature

Update: A friend of mine did the bracelet design!!!

Those who know me really well know I'm somewhat of a natural psychic, mainly in premonitory dreams. I can also do psychic readings if I manage to stop my mind for a minute or two, and I'm pretty good at Tarot readings.
My best friend and I have a psychic connection and at somepoint could even transfer mental images. But somehow, for some reason, I strayed away. Probably because it scares the heck out of me to be open to the world, to be open to feelings, to be sensitive. In order to allow your psychic side to flourish you have to be in touch with the world around you.
So I've decided that my esoteric side, is part of who I am. It defines me, it defines my interests and more importantly it defines my soul and my spirit. No, I'm not abandoning my religion but I am embracing some esoteric symbolisms and beliefs, mainly Celtic Wicca.
As part of this going back to who I am, I have decided to get a couple more tattoos. I say a couple more because I already have one. These time I want them on my my wrists and/or ankle. After all, I will no longer be in the business world, and I have to be true to who I am.
So if you know a good tattoo artist, in particular a good Celtic Tattoo artist please do let me know. The designs I want are intricate: a Celtic Butterfly, a Celtic Cross and a Triquetra with a wrist band. My husband says the butterfly will have to go on the ankle for it is too intricate. So why these symbols? Well the Butterfly symbolizes rebirth, the Triquetra symbolizes the Holy Trinity and the Celtic Cross, well do I have to tell you?
Here is the butterfly and the cross. You can Google the Triquetra. The wrist band needs to be designed.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

To all you who are fathers, Happy Father's Day.

To all of you who still have your Father alive, take him out today and cherish the time you get to spend with him.

To all of you who's father has passed, I understand how empty you feel today.

Happy Father's Day Papi, wherever you may be.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Civil War

Update: Hamas' take over ultimatum

People call the fight in Iraq a Civil War. By my definition, it's still terrorist trying to de-stabilize a country. It's not organized enough nor are the targets typical Civil War targets - politicians, government, etc. Most of the time its innocent by standers.

However, if you truly want to see the makings of a civil war, then you should turn your attention to Palestine. Nope not Israel, not Gaza.

Hamas against Fatah. Now that folks, is being on the brink of a Civil War.

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Here we go AGAIN

Many things bother me about this Immigration Bill.

1. The way it avoided due process. I don't like it when things are drafted and land in the Senate without having gone through the usual process. Just as I don't like ammendment lightning round. Things have to be thought through and understood, and from what I gather not many people understand this bill.

2. That all somewhat sane ammendments failed. In particular the one that would prevent illegals from "jumping" to the front of the line ahead of legals.

Michelle has some more on the negatives on this bill that the Presiden, Reid and Kennedy see fit to sort of force on us. This is the part that bothers me the most - the back door dealing and the fact that it didn't go through committee to land on the floor.

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Friday, June 08, 2007

A Democrat that gets it

It's about 8 minutes long, though completely worth watching. The best part comes at about 30ss left, when Byron emphasizes that we first need to secure our borders and once we have managed that, only then, come back and deal with solving the status of those here illegally.

Maybe if a Democrat says it, then he won't be called a racist, or a bigot, or anything else.

If we only had more people in government with the balls to publicly declare this, rather than trying to win the Hispanic vote with some half-mast immigration reform.

El haragán trabaja doble they used to say at my house. We didn't take care of this in the 80's but we gave them amnesty. Here we are 20 years later again not taking care of the problem, and again giving them amnesty. It seems we'll be here again soon.

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Gestapo Tropical

Cuban dissident Darsi Ferrer who has been arrested more times than I can count, and whose child Cuban police tried to murder, sends us this great piece on the Cuban Gestapo. As soon as I have time, I will translate. For now it is only available in Spanish. Enjoy.
Los métodos represivos de la policía política del régimen de los hermanos Castro incluyen todo tipo de aberraciones e ilegalidades, sin que se observen los límites de su actuar, en función de someter a la sociedad mediante el terror.

El deterioro de la quebrantada salud del gobernante vitalicio incrementa los temores de la cúpula en el poder. La inseguridad en las altas esferas también es generada por la falta de legitimidad de la sucesión dinástica.

Se percibe en el país un incremento de la tensión social subyacente motivada por la grave crisis económica que ahoga al pueblo, una tensión que se transforma en insatisfacciones y descontento general en la medida que el inmovilismo oficial impide soluciones a la acumulación de problemas sociales.

Hasta ahora, la actitud de los castristas es evadir la responsabilidad ante la tragedia que sufre la nación por el afán de poder de unos pocos. Derivan las culpas a factores externos mientras aferran su política a la supervivencia.

La opinión pública internacional se distrae con espejismos respecto a Cuba. Centran la atención en qué hizo el Sr. Moratinos, qué dijo la Sra. Rice, discuten sobre el pragmatismo y la capacidad reformista de un viejo militar, si alguien posee o no dotes de periodista, y si ese alguien tiene mejor o peor semblante, entre otras insignificancias.

Lo cierto es que el régimen desempolva métodos represivos más brutales mientras se le agotan los mecanismos de dominación relativamente pasiva, amparados en el poco reproche y tolerancia internacional devenidos de sus atropellos.

Salvo pocas excepciones, en las valoraciones y políticas de los diferentes gobiernos referidas al tema de la situación en Cuba priman los intereses económicos en detrimento de la ética y de las necesidades de los cubanos, como se demuestra en la actualidad con la posición asumida por el gobierno socialista del Sr. Zapatero.

Durante los últimos tiempos el ataque a la disidencia pacífica incluye el incremento de las campañas difamatorias, el retorno a los encarcelamientos masivos, las torturas físicas y psíquicas, el terrorismo de estado mediante los actos de repudio, etcétera.

La población es aterrada con los frecuentes allanamientos de moradas de las brigadas de policías y trabajadores del ministerio de comunicaciones que persiguen la captación de señales satelitales por todos los barrios.

Otra modalidad rescatada recientemente por la seguridad del estado es el asalto de un vehículo en la vía pública y secuestro de todos los pasajeros (una anciana, una joven universitaria, una señora y un adulto, ajenos a la situación) para enmascarar el arresto de un disidente, con la intención de impedir su asistencia al lugar donde tenían preparada la filmación del programa News Today, de la cadena televisiva NBC.

El colapso progresivo del sistema totalitario amenaza la concreción del traspaso hereditario del poder. En esta etapa, los gobernantes se enfocan en ganar tiempo enviando mensajes banales hacia el exterior y para el interior desatan lo peor de la brutalidad de sus sicarios de la policía política.

Los acontecimientos señalan que la desesperación en las altas esferas del régimen reproduce el círculo vicioso: miedo-terror-inconformidad-pérdida de legitimidad social.

Es de esperar que, ante la ineficacia del modelo represivo acostumbrado, las cosas cambien…para mal. A nadie asombre que en cualquier momento la escalada represiva dispare la cantidad de nombres en las listas de desaparecidos o comiencen a aparecer disidentes baleados en las cunetas. El preludio lo constituye los centenares de presos políticos que lentamente y con impunidad están matando en las cárceles de la Isla.

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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Gas Prices

Wondering if gasoline prices will ever go back down? Don't hold your breath. Surprise! It's not the company's fault. Read about it here.


Nation of Laws? No More

Not only was this bill crafted behind closed doors, but it seems much of our security is not even being considered as important. Never mind.

The big loser? It appears we are no longer a nation of laws. The Coburn ammendment, which called for enforcing current immigration laws before illegals can be legalized, has been voted down.

I've lost faith in this bill and hope that it is eventually voted down. The whole thing just seems to be so rushed, like we have prisa to get this done, and no one seems to care that while yes this is about them it is also about us as a nation; and more importantly that measures need to be taken so we do NOT find ourselves in this same situation in the future.

I'm highly disappointed with the Senate.

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Friday, June 01, 2007

Illegal Immigration

If you search my blog for the topic, you'll now where I stand.

Short and Sweet: I'm against any type of amnesty, any type of path to citizenship, or anything that rewards illegal behavior. So is my husband the "legal immigrant".

But someone expresses my feelings much better, The Queen of all Evil. Especially about being called a racist.

If you have not read on the latest proposed bills for "immigration reform" I suggest you read up or if you want the humorous version go here. Things just keep getting worse and worse, and national security just keeps getting more irrelevant.

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