And the people just stand idly by...I don't know what is more shocking, that these caudillos still exist or that latinos have not yet learned the lesson.
la ventanita at Wall Street Café
A forum for political and social commentary, leaning to the right and communicating the TRUTH about Cuba. The name honors my father's business in Cuba - Wall Street - a restaurant bar in La Habana B.C.
Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.In my view this is too broad a definition, and this is what's sparking outrage across conservatives of all levels. I think the DHS needs to have a clearer and more specific definition of Rigthwing Extremism. In addition, they should release an equal report that concentrates on Leftwing Extremism which also flourishes in economy downturns by fiercely advocating union workers rights, also opposing free trade, also attacking banks, also believing in Jewish domination conspiracies and engaging in anti semitism, and anarchist actions which are antigovernment and reject federal government authority proposing a new world order.
Leftism, which sees people as victim groups rather than individuals, which sets us one against another according to the color of our skins rather than distinguishing us by the contents of our characters, which is so eager to manipulate our guilts and grievances in order to form bases of support for an ever-expanding state, has derailed the natural American movement—the natural human movement—toward assimilation and unity and replaced it with ghettoizing multi-culturalism and infantilizing “diversity.”He is very right. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say that every leftist is purposely doing this. I'd venture that some leftists honestly believe they are helping people by this. Just like not all rightwingers are racists. Some of them are.
In the recent past, the Republican Party failed to offer the nation an inspiring vision and a concrete plan to tackle our problems with innovative and principled solutions. We do not intend to repeat that mistake. America is not the greatest nation on earth by chance. We earned this greatness by rewarding individual achievement, by advancing and protecting natural rights, and by embracing freedom. We intend to continue this uniquely American traditionthen we as citizens might actually end up with a budget that doesn't increase our debt, and actually starts reducing it.
Labels: Budget, Republicans