Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Free Healthcare!

What good is free healthcare if when your child is sick there are no medicines? Why are there no medicines you ask? Well because the government gave them away to another country. From CubaNet comes this report about how the previouly reported medicine shortage in Cuba is now endangering asthmatics. The best part of the story is the last paragraph:

Mientras, otra madre desesperada, con su hijo a punto de ahogarse por la falta de aire provocada por la crisis asmática, enfatizó: "Aquí lo que hay que hacer es mudarse para Venezuela", aludiendo al esfuerzo del gobierno cubano para mejor la asistencia médica de ese país.
For those of you that don't speak Spanish: Meanwhile, another desperate mother with her child asfixiating due to his inability to breathe because of an asthma attack, emphasized: "what we need to do is momve to Venezuela", pointing to the Cuban government effort of improving medical help in Venezuela.

An effort that by the way, includes supplies and supplies of medicines.
