Thursday, March 27, 2008

The End of AAV?

Just like that the federal probe against Puerto Rico's governor Anibal Acevedo Vila comes to an abrupt end.

Press conference is still going on so look for more info later. So far I believe he's being indicted on about 18 charges of fraud, including defrauding the IRS.

Sadly, one of Puerto Rico's most notable advertising agencies, Lopito, Ileana and Howie have also fallen withing this investigation.

The brunt of the charges is Election funds overspending. The indictment accuses AAV among others from spending beyond the $11million limit in order to pay a debt of the governor's previous election campaign for resident commissioner in which they overspend about $545K.

I've never liked AAV, and he's been a horrible governor for PR, so I'm glad to see him up to his neck and possibly having to resign. This can only mean that PR will surely have a change in command come the November elections.

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