Tuesday, April 18, 2006

On the Meaning of Intransigent

Recent events have brought to my attention the word INTRANSIGENT.

This word is commonly used to describe Cuban exiles and Cuban Americans who live in South Florida. The word carries with it negative attributions and connotations, and when used it is usually in a dismissive, denigrating and insulting manner.

Curious by this phenomenom I went to Webster's to look up the word:

"1 a : refusing to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude"
Let's review this meaning: "Refusing to compromise or abandon an extreme attitude".

Fidel Castro is INTRANSIGENT. He has refused to abandon his extreme position for the past 47 years. Stalin was also INTRANSIGENT refusing to abandon his extreme position. Hitler was INTRANSIGENT. He refused to abandon his extreme attitude that the Aryan race should prevail over others.

Terrorists are INTRANSIGENT too, they refuse to abandon their extreme position that infidels must be killed.

I can see how people tend to give it a negative connotation. But then again, those same people who give it a negative connotation to the Cubans in South Florida, tend to love and adore Castro, Communism and pander to terrorists.

Pope John Paul II was INTRANSIGENT. He refused to abandon his extreme attitude and position that communism should be eradicated from the face of the earth. The Jews are INTRANSIGENT. They refuse to abandon their extreme position to eradicate and fight anti-Semitism in all its shapes and forms.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers were INTRANSIGENT. They refused to abandon their extreme position and attitude of independence and freedom from Great Britain; their extreme position and attitude of being a sovereign nation. Jesus was INTRANSIGENT. He refused to abandon his extreme position on a religion for all; on forgiveness instead of vengeance; on loving and doing onto others as you want done onto yourself.

Where would we be, if INTRANSIGENT was always a negative characteristic to have? If people had indeed not refused to abandon their extreme position?

Being INTRANSIGENT, whether for good or evil, takes CONVICTION. Takes BELIEF in your ideas. Takes DETERMINATION. Takes PASSION. Last time I checked neither of these last four words were negative or bad qualities for a human being to possess.

So, if you are Cuban or Cuban American, the next time someone calls you INTRANSIGENT because you refuse to abandon your extreme position of a Free Cuba without the Bearded Stooge.....SMILE and proudly say: "Yes, I am". You are in good company.

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