Saturday, April 15, 2006

Degrees of Separation

Recently the Cuban government expelled a Czech diplomat, needless to say this didn't sit well with the Czechs. But the Czechs know the Bearded Stooge's games all too well.

That the Cuban government decided to expel the diplomat is not surprising. That they managed to somehow connect this to the US is amusing, and considering the Czech diplomat subversive somewhat new. It's starting to feel like we are playing a new and improved version of Six Degrees of Separation, only instead of Kevin Bacon it is the United States.

A recent incident raised tensions between the two nations, when super model and former Miss Czech RepublicHelena Houdova was arrested for taking pictures of slums in Cuba. Her camera was confiscated and pictures deleted, but she smuggled out her memory card in her bra and exposed The Real Cuba and The Real Fidel Castro. The pictures have been exhibited in the Czech Republic and plans are in the making to take the exhibition on a world tour.

The Czechs have been one of the few governments, if not the only one, to publicly support dissidents, denounce violations of human right, and criticize the imprisonment of journalists, dissidents, and all those who dare speak against the tyranny of the Bearded Stooge.

I have to say, God Bless the Czechs for their unending support for a free and democratic Cuba.

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