Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On Creationism

I honestly do not understand what the big deal is - whether people want to believe that God created the world in seven days or the big bang did in millions of years is a personal thing - and most surprisingly, not mutually exclusive.

First, the time concept is a human thing. Far as I know, God has a very different concept of time.

Second, who's to say that the Big Bang was not caused by God?

Third, pesky Darwin and his evolution theory. From monkey to human because some jumped off the tree and decided to walk. And we all came from a one cell organism that lived in the water. Can anyone deny this wasn't God's plan after all?

I have no theories about how the world came about; don't subscribe to either creationism or big bang/evolution or the newly created intelligent design. Frankly I couldn't care less how we came to be; the fact is we are here now. Do I believe God made us? Yes I do, but I don't care how that happened either.

Being a doctoral student you learn two things: one is to challenge everything and the second is to adopt an epistemology - you know, a way of thinking. In my case I tend to be a Popperian - falsification theory - as well as Kantenian - subjective knowledge. But what I really pride myself in is that I read everything, learn everything. I strive to not be one-sided.

Some people apparently want to bring this to schools - creationism and intelligent design. The left jumps in uproar. Why? Isn't part of being a liberal and a progressive to challenge the establishment? to ask questions? to look at both sides? How come being inclusive of other mindsets, beliefs or theories is all of a sudden wrong?

Creationism and Intelligent Design are not science - on that I will agree. But they are theories after all. Including them in a curriculum could do no harm; it would allow everyone to learn what they are, stimulate debate and allow students to reach their own conclusions. I'd be all for adding a Philosophy class to the curriculum or at least discussing them as counter theories to the established big bang/evolution theory. Why not?

One of my psych professors one said something that was very true:
We in the left value and strive for diversity. The problem is we want diversity in the left.
So true. Yet the left can find nothing better than to belittle or ridicule people who go against the grain and believe in Creationism or Intelligent Design.
