Monday, December 31, 2007

Bye Bye 2007

I was glad to see 2006 go and embraced 2007 as a good year. Well it really wasn't good but it wasn't bad; so that leaves me once again embracing 2008 as THE year.

It's been a year since Papi died, and it only seems like yesterday. Papi was never a Holidays man, yet I find myself fighting lumps and tears taken aback by the surge in emotions. We put up a tree this year; or at least half a tree. For the first time in my life I only decorated the "good side" of the tree; that's how far I could go.

Our plans on family are on hold; my degree is one year behind and everything is more of a struggle than it should be. This time in 2006 I thought I'd be better off in 2007. Today I believe this time 2008 I'll look back and find that I have to squint to remember who I am today.

So, as I write this end of 2007 blog post, I look forward and not back; rationally I know I'm in control of my life while emotionally I'm barely an adolescent. Yet I look to my right, and see a wonderful man that supports me 100% and who will make sure I don't falter. I look to my left and I see his love. I still wonder what I ever did to deserve this man in my life. I look back and I see Jesus and God waving me along; I look ahead and I again see them in front of me leading the way.

I'm holding very hard to my husband's hand and never letting go. See you all in 2008!
