Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Madre solo hay una. There is only one mother. How true. But some of us are lucky to have had two. I will explain.

I had two very influential women in my life as did mami. Her mother passed away when she was in her late teens, so I never met my biological grandmother. Orphaned, she and her brother were taken in by their aunt and her husband- the only grandparents we ever knew.

Abuela, was a very special lady who taught me what it meant to be Cuban; to be proud of my heritage; the good and the bad of the Cuban culture. She was the head of the Cuban enclave that was my household with words like saya, trusa, boniato, tintoreria, peluqueria, frutabomba, perchero, ajuar, etc.

Mami is a very special woman as well, different than abuela but special within her own right. She has had a tough life, orphaned in the teens, abandoned by her father, a failed marriage, and a problematic son. Throught it all, although not without mistakes, she tried to be the best mother she knew how.

Abuela passed away nine years ago in July, hard to believe. I still miss her, I still dream with her - though not often. But I still think about her almost every day. Our last Mother's Day was a year before her passing. Mami will turn 72 this year, so she is no Spring chicken and I am aware our Mother's Day together are contados, especially since I no longer reside in Miami (and well she is renuente to visit us because in her mind we "abandoned" her).

Enjoy Mother's Day today, because you never know when it will be the last Mother's Day you are able to celebrate with them.

So to all Mothers, Grandmothers and those I like to call madres en potencia - all women not yet mothers but wanting to be - Happy Mother's Day!

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